
Entrance from 53, Ligovsky pr. was presented during CIME/PSeME electroacoustic marathon at the Audio Art Festival 2021 on Thursday, November 18, at Hevre in Krakow.

Tuesday, November 16, the Baltic Opera House in Gdansk, premiere performance of Summa Techologiae, a patchwork piece composed by Michał Jacaszek, Max Kohyt, Dariusz Mazurowski, Katarzyna Podpora and Krzysztof Topolski, based on Stanisław Lem book (with the same title), first published in 1964. 35 minutes long piece will be performed by composers with Wojciech Dowgiałło and Paweł Klemens – voices, Agnieszka Długołęcka – piano. Work commissioned by the Baltic Opera as a part of Tuesdays on a Wave 2021, concerts inspired by literature. More about this event here:

Eighth Samurai will be presented during Musiques Démesurées Festival in Clermont-Ferrand, France, at the Museum Henri-Lecoq, on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. More info here:

Premiere broadcast of Kościuszko’s Death, a 50 minutes long radio play, electroacoustic monodrama, radio theater or radiophonic feature, based on a text taken from Anna Bojarska book Five Deaths (1990). Adaptation & interpretation by Krzysztof Gordon, music, production & mastering by Dariusz Mazurowski. Realized thanks to a Cultural Grant of the City of Gdansk. To be aired here, at 10pm CET on Friday, September 24, 2021:
Or you may use any radio app.

Our concert series, New Music in the Old Town Hall, is back after summer holidays. Organized by The Baltic Sea Culture Centre, with The Polish Society of Electroacoustic Music and Composition Faculty of The Academy of Music in Gdansk. During this edition Alina Ratkowska will premiere a brand new composition by Dariusz Mazurowski, The Skeleton Army, written for harpsichord and tape. This piece has been composed thanks to a Cultural Grant of the City of Gdansk. For the final a collaborative cycle of etudes for accordion and computer, 4 Sketches for 4 Sides of the World, written with Paweł Zagańczyk will be also premiered. More about this event here:
and here:

Dossier of Oblivion by Dariusz Mazurowski will be presented during the ICMC 2021, International Computer Music Conference 2021, organized this year by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Conference dates: July 25th-31st, 2021. More information and full program / schedule here:

Participation in above mentioned event will be possible thanks to the Adam Mickiewicz Institute financial support from “Polish Culture Around the World” program.

Dariusz Mazurowski has got a Cultural Grant of the City of Gdansk for his project titled Development of New Forms of Expression in solo compositions. As the final effect two works will be completed: electroacoustic monodrama and a composition for harpsichord and tape.

Realization possible thanks to the Cultural Grant of the City of Gdansk.

Due to pandemic restrictions this year’s NYCEMF must be a virtual (online) again. Four concerts will be released a day for a week starting on Monday, June 21. Program as PDF file can be downloaded here:
PDF contains hyperlinks from which you can listen to most of the works in the festival. Dariusz Mazurowski’s piece – The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse – can be found in the Concert 13 (page 27).
More information here: