
With some advance notice, I'd like to invite you to Krakow on Sunday, July 28, where at the Solvay Center for Contemporary Art (Zakopiańska 62) we will present the theater play "The Death of Kościuszko", which will be the finale of the "chemistry" Theater Festival. The play starts at 6:00 p.m. The electroacoustic monodrama (that's how I called this hybrid form) is our joint work - mine and the outstanding actor Krzysztof Gordon's. We've already had the opportunity to collaborate with each other and have been discussing such a play for a long time. The starting point was the excellent, very lively, expressive text by Anna Bojarska, from the book "Five Deaths" (Krąg publishing house, 1990), which was prepared for the stage presentation by Krzysztof Gordon. With this text in mind, my music was then created, building the narrative of the whole, emphasizing its drama. And so the monodrama "Kościuszko's Death" was born, which also exists as a radio theater (its premiere took place on September 24, 2021 on El-Stacja radio). And now it's time for the stage premiere, of course performed by Krzysztof Gordon (voice) and with live music by Dariusz Mazurowski (meaning mine). We would also like to thank Max Bojarski, the author's son, for giving us permission to use this excellent text. We invite you to Krakow for the show, more information here:  

On Saturday, June 29, we'll perform a multimedia electroacoustic performance GEDANIÆ MUSICÆ NOVÆ at the Oblate Center for Education and Culture in Gdańsk, as part of a large musical event, i.e. XIII EURO Chamber Music Festival Gdańsk 2024. The following line-up will perform: Dariusz Mazurowski and Jacaszek, both on electronic instruments and Duo del Gesú, i.e. Arnaud Kaminski - violin and Krzysztof Komendarek-Tymendorf - viola. Jan Mróz will create the right atmosphere using his lights. The concert starts at 7:00 p.m. I hope it'll be an interesting event and I invite everyone interested. More information about the entire festival and the complete program can be found here:

On June 18, at the Loreto Theater in Manhattan (NY), together with saxophonist Enzo Filippetti, I'll perform my composition "And I Woke up at the Darkest Dawn Ever", written for baritone and soprano saxophones with an electronic part. The concert will take place as part of the prestigious New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), starting at 8 p.m. local time. My participation in the event and trip to New York will be possible thanks to funding from the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, as part of the Polish Culture in the World program, the aim of which is to support and promote Polish culture by supporting individual participation in events abroad.

More information about the festival: 

On Sunday, April 28, Radio Gdańsk will present a rebroadcast of the concert from the "aMuz on Radio Gdańsk" series, which took place last Saturday and was filled with compositions for accordion with an electronic track - including two of my pieces also. I had the pleasure of producing electronic parts in all these works, the concert was really interesting, and the performers were young musicians from different countries. If anyone hasn't heard it live and is interested, I recommend it. The rebroadcast can be listened to traditionally on the radio, but also on the internet - either in a browser ( or via any radio application.

On Tuesday, May 7, on the Hashtag Lab stage in Warsaw, I'll play a solo concert as part of the Elektro series. The event starts at 7:00 p.m. More about this show can be found here:

On Saturday, April 27, at the CKiS Water Tower Gallery, I will play a solo concert as part of the Restitution 8 festival. The curator of this year's edition is Marcin Olejniczak. Restitution 8 is under the patronage of ANXIOUS MUSIC MAGAZINE. Tickets can be purchased at the DK Oskard box office, on site in the Water Tower and online. The event starts at 7:00 p.m. More information can be found here:

On Saturday, April 20, I will take part in a concert from the "aMuz on Radio Gdańsk" series, which will take place as part of the Accordion + Electronics - Blended Intensive Program. Jakub Stefaniak (accordion) will perform two of my pieces from the "Four Sketches for Four Sides of the World" series, i.e. "East" and "North", of course with my accompaniment as an electronics operator. The concert starts at 8:00 p.m. It will be broadcast on Radio Gdańsk, available both in traditional form and on the Internet. The concert will, of course, take place in the Concert Studio. Janusz Hajdun. Admission is by invitation, the organizer asks those interested to contact us by April 18 at The number of places is limited. More about this event can be found here:,2044

At the invitation of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord, Accordion, Guitar, Harp and Instruments of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk (Elżbieta Rosińska – thank you very much!) I'll take part in the Blended Intensive Program (BIP), an event consisting of lectures, workshops and concerts. It's a program that uses innovative learning and teaching methods, and the main goal is to implement the artistic project "Accordion + Electronics BIP", which will enable students of the Academy of Music and six partner academies to gain practical experience in a unique format. BIP is co-financed by the European Union. As part of the scientific program, on Saturday, April 20, at 3 p.m., in the Senate Hall of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, I will present a lecture titled "Interaction between a live instrument and the electronic part on the example of accordion music - the sound perception from the points of view of the composer and performers" (the presentation will be in English). On Sunday, April 21, I will conduct workshops on electroacoustic music, addressed to young composers from various countries. I will tell you about my participation in the concert program in a moment in my next post. More information about this event can be found on the website of the Academy of Music. Stanisław Moniuszko in Gdańsk: